Wednesday, May 11, 2011

And so we say farewell...

The Crosshatched project's closing event was a fitting finale to the exhibition space that was panGALLERY.

The ceramic work that filled the space encapsulated everything the gallery represented. Emerging, mid career and established artists were given the opportunity to showcase their skills, side by side, and the resulting decorated mudka were striking in the diversity of creative approaches. It was a joy to see the enthusiasm and generosity of spirit with which each artist approached the task.

This enthusiasm was, in part, due to the nature of the mudka and what they represent - craft in its truest form – born from need, functional, practical and beautiful. Watching  Manorah and Dahrmveer work was like a timely reminder of the qualities and aptitude of the skilled craftsperson. In Manorah’s wonderfully rounded mudka and Darhmveer’s delightful miniatures there is an effortless grace that can only come with well honed skills and the passing on of knowledge and tradition.

It’s been a wonderful experience working with many talented ceramicists, high quality art, a family of colleagues and a space that comfortably embraces its proletarian directness. I thank Northcote Pottery Supplies for promoting the work of ceramic artists in this way and continuing to support ceramics through an extended class and workshop programme.

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