Monday, March 28, 2011

Forming Words participating artist: Sarit Cohen

Simple forms - Simplicity
Delicate, fine, mysterious - Subtly
Life experience
Interwoven memories

“Her personal journey through India, Turkey, Israel and Australia is a multilayered one. It is interwoven with numerous cultural and ethnic excursions each inhabited by the ongoing and integral impact of family and the joys of sharing, food, company and love, that should be part and parcel of every human’s existence. Through her ceramic practice, Cohen offers to her audience an invitation to share and an invitation to appreciate her own expressions of the beauties of life.”

Peter Haynes, Director ACT Museum & Galleries August 2010

Sarit Cohen Temples 2011 

Sarit Cohen Marriage Celebration 2011  

Sarit Cohen Salad Bowls 2011  

Sarit Cohen Cup and Vase 2011  

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